Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bathroom Fun

We're currently in the process of potty training Taylor and she was hamming it up for the camera. She is completely 'wet' potty trained, even through nap time! We would be done if we could only get her to poop in the potty.

Kadie wanted her picture taken as well.

Chillin' at home

The girls and I were just playing around in their room and they re-discovered some of their toys that I had hidden under the crib. I caught Taylor is some too-cute poses.

Lee took the girls outside to play behind our apartment.
Kadie got a little too close to the camera in the first picture and I think it looks hilarious.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Butte, Montana

For the 4th of July we went to visit my dad's sisters in Butte, Montana. We got to spend time with relatives, go to a parade, swim in the hotel pool. Lee even got to see Obama from 30ft. away! Here are some cute pics of the girls at the parade and the pool. They really like the beads that were being handed out.

Putting on life jackets was an interesting event. Both the girls were afraid of the water at first. I think this was Kadie's first time in a big swimming pool.

Here is part of our family in front of a mining spot in Butte.
I'm not sure where Taylor is...


We went to my parent's house for a week-long vacation and Taylor and Kadie got to hang out with their cousins that we haven't seen in a long time. My sister, Liz, and I haven't had a chance to see each other's youngest child until this trip. Taylor and Chase are only a few months apart and they enjoyed playing together.

Kadie is our curious little girl. Here she is playing with a ladder that Lee was using to re-roof the garage.

Taylor holding her cousin, Brayden.

Grandma Ferris holding both of our "babies"

Friday, August 1, 2008

Grandma's House

Here are the cousins 'happily' sitting together for a pose. Taylor (holding Brayden), Chase, and Kadie

Our little Kadie Bug being cute as always...