Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kadie and Cocoa

With Taylor in school, Kadie, Cocoa, and I have to entertain ourselves! Kadie is really good at keeping herself entertained. One morning, it was with chalk and Cocoa decided to join her. I think they are cute!!!
Cocoa is now six months old and is such a good dog! I love his personality. He is still a playful puppy, but can be mellow, too, and loves to lay at our feet. He's been fun to have around! When he isn't to ornery, the girls love to play with him and he interacts with them pretty well.

Our First Ambulance Ride

You wouldn't think that falling out of the back of one of these...
Then taking a ride in one of these...
Would equal this...but it did!
Last Monday night we were working on unloading the rest of our stuff from the U-haul truck. Taylor and Kadie were being big helpers by carrying the light stuff. On one of her trips, Kadie missed the ramp and fell off the back of the u-haul truck, hitting her head on the curb when she landed. She cried right away, and my brother-in-law scooped her up and put her in my arms. That's when I started to freak out. In trying to hold her, her body kept going limp even though she was awake. She also tried to curl up in the grass to fall asleep, and gagged a few times like she was going to be sick. I was worried she could have broken something in her neck or back, or have a nasty concussion. My mom called 911, while my sister and her husband drove to get Lee from work. He showed up right as the ambulance did. Kadie had calmed down a little by this time, but was still not herself and I was worried about her head. She got to be strapped into a stretcher and rode to the hospital with her daddy in the ambulance. It was the first one in our family! The advantage of going to the hospital by ambulance is you get seen right away! (Taylor's previous ER visits for an eye problem and a possible broken arm took HOURS and HOURS of waiting to even be seen.) They kept her for observation for a while, but she finally started acting like her old self and we were able to take her home. The chocolate face above is from ice cream that she got to eat as soon as we got home. So glad she was ok and is back to her usual cheery self!