Monday, March 25, 2013

Little Ms. Independent

 I told Kim we were going to brush her teeth and she ran away from me yelling "I do it!"  I walked into the bathroom a few minutes later and she had pushed a little chair up to the counter and was indeed doing it herself.  Oh the many ways this little girl makes me smile on a daily basis. 

 Trying to reach her toothbrush:
 Brushing her teeth and squeezing in her classic "cheese" face:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Who needs toys?

 Kim was playing with cups in the kitchen and I just let her because they kept her busy.  (Not to mention those are kid cups and they have to drink out of them even though they have touched the floor).  She got bored with them so Taylor took over and built a tower:
 Kadie had nothing to do with the construction but wanted in on the picture taking action:
 It's kind of Taylor to share the success of her building: