Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tribute to Amanda

This is our tribute photo to Amanda, Lee's sister, who will be giving birth to twins in 20 days or less! Good luck Amanda!

Christmas Day

Santa had a busy night putting together toys for the girls. I think the grandparents spoiled them a little too much!
This is Santa and Mrs. Claus's first attempt at putting together train tracks. Taylor and Kadie got these this year after playing with cousin Chase's beloved trains this summer.
The girls had fun playing with their new toys...

Gingerbread House

For Christmas this year we decided to try to make a gingerbread house. It doesn't look a thing like the picture on the box but we had a blast making it. Lee decided to have fun by making the gingerbread woman anatomically correct and by having the gingerbread man's eyes bulging out of his head. The house only lasted a day! Taylor picked off all the gumdrops the next day and ate away at it every chance she got. It eventually met an untimely death with the kitchen floor.

End of the Semester

Lee is officially half-way through grad school! Hooray! Here he is getting ready to return all the books he had to check out for his craziest semester ever!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Nephew

I am excited to have a new nephew, the first one on Lee's side of the family. His name is Lincoln. Here is a picture of him that I stole from my sister-in-law's blog. What a cutie. We will be getting a new niece and nephew within the next 40 days. Hang in there Amanda!


Lee and I decided to get the girls a bigger combined toy for Christmas. We got them a kitchen a few months ago and hid it in our storage shed. With Christmas approaching we were facing a dilemma. We are visiting my parents for Christmas and it was too big to take, but we didn't want to open it and leave, and it will be past Christmas if we waited. It is finals week for Lee at school so we decided to give it to them a little early to help keep them busy. Kadie got the first go at it. It's a pretty cute toy. It has a burner that makes boiling or frying noises and lights depending on what pot or pan you use.

But naturally, as with all gifts, you spend $100 on a present and they have more fun playing with THE BOX...

Friday, November 28, 2008


This is Kadie's attempt at eating a chocolate pudding by herself. I love the look on her face! It looks like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Lee and I decided at the last minute to go to Star Valley for his birthday/Halloween. We stopped at the farm to say hello before going to trunk-or-treat. Taylor picked out her princess dress and Kadie went as a Wyoming Cowboy cheerleader. Here is Taylor doing her chores before the ball...
And of course, our little cheerleader ready for the evening festivities...

Taylor's Haircut

Taylor and Kadie got into some mineral oil and spilled it all over the kitchen floor while Lee was in the other room. He walked in and found them 'swimming' in it. I washed Taylor's hair 3 times and it was still not coming out. Her hair was also getting harder to do at it's length and it tangled easily so I decided to go get her hair cut. I can't believe how much older it seems to make her look.

Here is a picture of Taylor with her new haircut and in a new dress that we got her for winter.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Baby Shower

I hosted a baby shower for my sister-in-law, Amanda, this weekend. Here is my favorite photo of her. I love the shirt becuase it will be totally true after she gifts birth to twins!

Taylor was my big helper at the shower by handing Amanda all of the gifts, even though some were as big as she was.

Taylor had a hard time understanding why none of the gifts were hers...

Family Hike

We went on a small hike up in Inkom, ID and took some pictures while we were up there. This is my favorite picture of our family so far.

Here are some pics of my adorable family!

Taylor actually took this picture below. She begged to hold the camera and most of the shots were pretty wild, but this one actually turned out okay.

Kadie's Keys

Kadie has discovered my keys and what they are supposed to be used for. I love the diaper showing in her second photo!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Park Shots

I don't have any new pictures but here are some cute park shots from a few months ago. Taylor absolutely loves being at the park!

Kadie can make some pretty cute faces. She is the entertainment in our life.


My sister wanted me to post some new pictures but it has been a crazy busy week this week and I haven't had the chance to really take any so here is a tribute to my sister of "sister" pictures.
This is one of Kadie and Taylor with their pumpkin from last Halloween. I think they might actually be old enough to go out this year, but I haven't decided on costumes yet.

Here they both are in a series of matching outfits that were sent by Grandma Ferris or Liz.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lee's Artwork

For some of you who don't get to see all of Lee's artwork, here are some of his pieces that he has done ranging from high school to last year.