Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

So before we start on Easter, here is a picture of Taylor at her Kindergarten concert. She did an awesome job singing and I loved all the actions that went along with the songs. She got to stand in front during one of the songs and play the mouse. We were sitting on the wrong side to get a good picture, so here she is with her mouse after the concert was over!
Moving on...
Happy Easter
The girls had fun coloring their eggs.
We weren't very imaginative this year and pretty much stayed to the basic colors.

Kim got to join in on the festivities...
So cute!
Kadie displaying her favorite egg:
Taylor displaying her favorite too:
The "Easter Bunny" mainly stuck to a theme this year and went crazy with Tangled stuff. We got the movie earlier in the month, but couldn't save it until Easter. We've watched it too many times already.
The girls all looked cute in their dresses...
Even when we couldn't coax a smile:
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter.
I am grateful for my savior and that his sacrifice allows us all to live with him again!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

So tired...

Yesterday we had a long, but fun day. We started the morning by going to a Cat in the Hat event where they served breakfast and got free books. It was fun, but the girls were a little scared of the characters in costume. A neighbor friend came and played with the girls while they were with Grandma, and then later that night, they got to stay up late and go the movie Rio with Grandma. They must have had a lot of fun, because they are sleepy today.

Taylor got sent to time out for pinching her sister while getting ready to play outside. I came around the corner to get her out of time out in her room and this is what I found...

Her head would occasionally bob too....
Such a tired girl. She lives life to the fullest, but it does catch up with her sometimes!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Glasses, Grins, and Danny Devito

A new event in our lives is that Taylor had to get glasses. She failed the eye test at school, so Grandma took her to the eye doctor while I was at work. I guess her eyes are so bad that she has to level up her prescription. She will go back in three months to get the higher one! They said that if she got the full strength to begin with she would never wear her glasses because it would make her dizzy/be too hard to adjust to. Since I wasn't there, she picked out a pair by herself. I think she did a good job! It was funny to watch her get out of the car when she got home. She couldn't walk straight because she said that she was up high and the ground was down low! I was worried about her losing or breaking them at school, but so far she is doing well with them.
Kimberly in her swing...the camera put a light in her face and it kind of startled her. I think the picture is hilarious!

We recently brought out the Jumper, but she is still kind of small for it. She likes hanging out in it though because she can look around. Love her killer smiles!
And last but not least, my mom said I needed to get a picture of Kimberly's hair line before it changes. Does it remind anybody else of Danny Devito's hair line? Her hair is really growing fast and the top will catch up to the back...eventually!