Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

So before we start on Easter, here is a picture of Taylor at her Kindergarten concert. She did an awesome job singing and I loved all the actions that went along with the songs. She got to stand in front during one of the songs and play the mouse. We were sitting on the wrong side to get a good picture, so here she is with her mouse after the concert was over!
Moving on...
Happy Easter
The girls had fun coloring their eggs.
We weren't very imaginative this year and pretty much stayed to the basic colors.

Kim got to join in on the festivities...
So cute!
Kadie displaying her favorite egg:
Taylor displaying her favorite too:
The "Easter Bunny" mainly stuck to a theme this year and went crazy with Tangled stuff. We got the movie earlier in the month, but couldn't save it until Easter. We've watched it too many times already.
The girls all looked cute in their dresses...
Even when we couldn't coax a smile:
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter.
I am grateful for my savior and that his sacrifice allows us all to live with him again!


Lacy said...

What pretty little Easter girls! We also love "Tangled"; great movie! The previous post of Taylor sleeping in time-out is hilarious!

Liz said...

Looks like a great Easter celebration! Your girls look so darn cute in their dresses!