Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday Afternoons

Right now we have early morning church so after it is over everyone usually comes home and crashes. Taylor was in her bed, but woke up and decided to join Lee to complete her nap. I thought it was a picture perfect moment:
Kadie is a good sleeper-bless her heart:
The girls' favorite pastime right now when they are not outside, is to play games on the computer. I made bookmarks for,, and a fun educational one at I enjoy these games more than letting them watch tv because they are educational and the girls will help each other and practice taking turns.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Busy, Busy

For some reason, I didn't get any Easter pictures taken this year. It was snowing here so we just hid some candy eggs the night before, and then let the girls find them in the morning. The Easter bunny just got the girls etch-a-sketch's this year since we bought Taylor a big-girl bike before spring break, they picked out toys on our Vegas trip, and we recently purchased several movies for them. I loved the Easter Eggs we found at the store. They were really cute and shaped like cupcakes:After Easter, Lee had to complete the final step towards completing his MFA- an Oral Defense of his Thesis. No big surprise, he passed! I am so proud of him for sticking with it and working so hard to finish his schooling. He already has a professor job lined up for summer and is looking into a more permanent teaching position. He is currently finishing up his GA teaching job and waiting for this: