Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tribute to Amanda

This is our tribute photo to Amanda, Lee's sister, who will be giving birth to twins in 20 days or less! Good luck Amanda!

Christmas Day

Santa had a busy night putting together toys for the girls. I think the grandparents spoiled them a little too much!
This is Santa and Mrs. Claus's first attempt at putting together train tracks. Taylor and Kadie got these this year after playing with cousin Chase's beloved trains this summer.
The girls had fun playing with their new toys...

Gingerbread House

For Christmas this year we decided to try to make a gingerbread house. It doesn't look a thing like the picture on the box but we had a blast making it. Lee decided to have fun by making the gingerbread woman anatomically correct and by having the gingerbread man's eyes bulging out of his head. The house only lasted a day! Taylor picked off all the gumdrops the next day and ate away at it every chance she got. It eventually met an untimely death with the kitchen floor.

End of the Semester

Lee is officially half-way through grad school! Hooray! Here he is getting ready to return all the books he had to check out for his craziest semester ever!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Nephew

I am excited to have a new nephew, the first one on Lee's side of the family. His name is Lincoln. Here is a picture of him that I stole from my sister-in-law's blog. What a cutie. We will be getting a new niece and nephew within the next 40 days. Hang in there Amanda!


Lee and I decided to get the girls a bigger combined toy for Christmas. We got them a kitchen a few months ago and hid it in our storage shed. With Christmas approaching we were facing a dilemma. We are visiting my parents for Christmas and it was too big to take, but we didn't want to open it and leave, and it will be past Christmas if we waited. It is finals week for Lee at school so we decided to give it to them a little early to help keep them busy. Kadie got the first go at it. It's a pretty cute toy. It has a burner that makes boiling or frying noises and lights depending on what pot or pan you use.

But naturally, as with all gifts, you spend $100 on a present and they have more fun playing with THE BOX...