Sunday, October 19, 2008

Baby Shower

I hosted a baby shower for my sister-in-law, Amanda, this weekend. Here is my favorite photo of her. I love the shirt becuase it will be totally true after she gifts birth to twins!

Taylor was my big helper at the shower by handing Amanda all of the gifts, even though some were as big as she was.

Taylor had a hard time understanding why none of the gifts were hers...

Family Hike

We went on a small hike up in Inkom, ID and took some pictures while we were up there. This is my favorite picture of our family so far.

Here are some pics of my adorable family!

Taylor actually took this picture below. She begged to hold the camera and most of the shots were pretty wild, but this one actually turned out okay.

Kadie's Keys

Kadie has discovered my keys and what they are supposed to be used for. I love the diaper showing in her second photo!