Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Child's Prayer

Kadie never fails to soften my heart. She is just over two-and-a half and said a bedtime prayer all by herself: "Dear Heavenly Father, thank thee for this day. Please help Kadie to get a good night's sleep. Thank you for my family. Please bless me to be happy and healthy. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

What a sweetheart!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


This morning Taylor was coloring in the living room and watching cartoons while I was in bed reading a book. She came into the bedroom to show me this:

In Word World they were teaching Bug how to write his name. She took what she saw and wrote it on the paper. I was totally shocked. She has practiced writing her name before, but it doesn't contain any of these letters. I love how she just announced, "Look mom, I just wrote BUG...see...B-U-G!" What a smart girl.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuckered out Taylor

Taylor is currently enrolled in a community preschool that is taught through the University. She absolutely loves going. Days she goes to preschool she doesn't get a nap in. While she is slowly outgrowing nap time, she still gets pretty tired towards the end of the day. Hence, the following pictures:

In the middle of eating goldfish and fell asleep with the cup still in place...
Taking a nap on a non-school day and fallening asleep with a slight frown on her face...
Aww...Sisterly love. Pictures like this are rare! (They don't usually snuggle and Kadie doesn't usually like to share her 'lovey'.)