Saturday, September 8, 2012

"Sisters, Sisters, there were never such devoted sisters"

 I LOVE how much Kim tries to be like her big sisters.  Whatever they are doing, she wants to be right in the middle of it doing it too.  We were doing an activity sheet for family home evening.  Kadie was laying on the floor to do hers so Kim grabbed a paper and pencil and copied her.  Excuse Kadie's posing of the faces I get when I pull out a camera:
The older sisters watching Lee play a game:
  Kadie trying to get into the picture:
 Not a sister picture but a really cute one of my dad and Kim.  They are the best of buds whenever he is home:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee...

We have a flowering plant (we call it artificial bamboo but I'm not sure what it really is) that grows along the front of the house.  It grows about six inches a day when it's growing and then blooms thousands of these tiny yellow flowers right about this time of year.  The green leaves are great in the front of the house and the little flowers smell nice, but they do bring the presence of LOTS of bees.  In my childhood, I stepped on bees a lot while running barefoot and got randomly stung by them occasionally.  Once I even got one stuck in my hair just by walking out the front door and got quite the sting on my head.  I think all the stings have resulted in an allergy-I get baseball sized swelling if I get stung now.

It seems as though this tradition is going to continue.  Poor Taylor got stung for the first time last week while playing in the yard.  It was in the center about where her ankle bone is:
 She is quite the trooper and was fine just a few minutes later: