Monday, January 19, 2009

Tribute to Amanda Continued...

Here is the true tribute to Amanda. We went to say hi and got a chance to hold Taylor and Kadie's newest cousins, Joshua and Eva. They were so sweet. Joshua was hiccuping and it sounded like a Yoshi sound effect and Eva was growling at her Binky. Ahhh...The joys of babies! It was a blast holding them as long as twins aren't contagious. We held Joshua a lot hoping boy would rub off for future babies since we already have two girls.


Wonders said...

Hey Emily! It's so good to see your girls again and your cute blog! I can't believe how grown up the girls are. It's seriously blowing my mind right now. I want to have you see our blog too, Savannah is SO grown up. It's private so I need you to email me at and I will email you back an invite to the blog. I will link your blog to mine as well. SO good to hear from you guys!

Kristy said...

I love this picture! those babies are so tiny! I miss you guys. :-(