Friday, March 27, 2009

A budding artist...

So this may not be the clearest image, but Taylor used the magna-doodle to draw our family the other day and it is too cute! This is only her second time at drawing people and so they are a blobs with eyes and legs. I think she told me that they go Daddy, Mommy, Kadie and then Taylor order wise. (Personally...If you squint your eyes for the last person it kind of looks like a curvy blond who is sticking out her bum and is wearing sunglasses and a smile but who knows?)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog, Blog, Blog

With how crazy life always is, I got behind on my blogging.
Be sure to scroll down because I put 4 new posts!

New Toy

So Lee and I are on a quest for the perfect toy that will let the girls play BY THEMSELVES! We hope to have done it with this one. We got them a play fort that technically goes outside but we don't have a yard so it is living in their room. It takes up a huge corner in their room, but it has a slide and they seem excited.


So Kadie is officially a girl obsessed with shoes...Like mother, like daughter.

They grow up so fast...

I did Kadie's hair a new way on Sunday and she looked so OLD! It was way cute and reminded us of a Baby Blue's cartoon in which the dad looks at Zoe one second and she is a baby, then he looks again and she is a woman, but when he looks back she is still a baby and it freaks him out.

Miss you Grandma!

I was on facebook and my mom had "Superpoked" me and her picture came up. Kadie got really excited and yelled "mama!" and leaned in and gave her a kiss. I apparently hadn't done her hair yet though...what a mess.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Leaving a Paper Trail

So it's finally happened. Lee took a picture of Taylor's first "paper trail" left over from the bathroom, and Taylor was kind enough to show it to the rest of the world through our window. I guess we need to revisit toilet training 101.

Train Tracks

So my nephew Chase always seems to have these amazing tracks that he and his dad build together. Lee built this one for the girls today and I think it is adorable! So Chase, this is how tracks are built, girl-style!