Friday, March 27, 2009

A budding artist...

So this may not be the clearest image, but Taylor used the magna-doodle to draw our family the other day and it is too cute! This is only her second time at drawing people and so they are a blobs with eyes and legs. I think she told me that they go Daddy, Mommy, Kadie and then Taylor order wise. (Personally...If you squint your eyes for the last person it kind of looks like a curvy blond who is sticking out her bum and is wearing sunglasses and a smile but who knows?)


Mama Ferris said...

You are quite the artist. Taking after your dadddy, are you?
Good Job!!
Love You,

Ryan and Melissa said...

Very cute! I totally see the "blonde" in the last picture! Great job, Taylor!

Kristy said...

whoa! She's a chip off the ol' block eh?

Liz said...

Yep, that's quite the picture! Tell Taylor I think that's a beautiful family picture. Do you have fridge art?

Amanda and Peter said...

I love your family picture! Both the one on the blog and the one created by Taylor.