Monday, October 26, 2009


Taylor can be really intense at times. But on the flip side, all that intensity catches up to her and she can crash hard. Here are some cute sleep moments.

I love this one. She fell asleep in her room with a balloon tied to her wrist and she was plugging her ears because she was afraid of some noise.


Julie said...

You have to love where they can fall asleep sometimes. I have a bunch of Bethany (she crashes like that) in her peas one day after church, on the stairs and then in her chair. You have got some cute girls watch out later.

Mama Ferris said...

Too cute!!

Liz said...

The balloon photo is the best! I remember how she always used to plug her ears every time I talked. I guess she didn't like my voice!!

Kristy said...

sooooo this reminds me of Lee a lot - too cute!!!