Well, we've had our first official doctors run to get stitches. I was washing Taylor's hair in the tub and Kadie got out to use the potty. When I turned around she was standing on the toilet to get her Elmo potty seat down and when I told her to get down she slipped. She hit her chin on the back of the toilet on the way down and gave it a good gash. I immediately laid her down and put pressure on it with a washcloth. It really didn't bleed that much. Here's Kadie showing off her new blue "whiskers."
She was quite the trooper. She didn't cry when it happened. At the doctor's office they had to strap her to a papoose board to keep her still and she freaked out. She is afraid to lay on her back on high surfaces and she hated every second of it. The second they were done and she got up, she stopped crying and was fine. What a big girl. She is now sporting a set of 5 stitches of the next week. It was a scary experience to handle for the first time, but I'm glad she is ok.
Like mother, like daughter!!! Glad you are okay, Kadie!!!
Wow...now you match you mother, Chase, Jeff, Grandma and more!! I think everyone has a scar on their chin!!!
I've got a scar on my chin in the exact same spot! That'd be scary to watch as a mom. You're brave, Emily!
ohhhhhh ouch! so - nana did the same thing this summer... only... we didn't take her into the emergency room in time - I am way to cheep! anyway - we tried butterflying it over and over until she split it even worse and we had to go in 9 hours later... it is a cute little scar now :-)
soooo I spelled cheap wrong... ha ha ha cheep cheep --- yes, lee, my spelling is still as bad as it was when we were growing up!
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