Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Big 5!

I am amazed that 5 years ago today, I had my first baby! Oh what an adventure that was! My water broke and Taylor surpised us by coming one month early!
Taylor had a bit of a rough start......but 5 years later she is now a happy and healthy little girl.
She loves life with a passion and keeps us on our toes. Happy Birthday kiddo!
Hehe...the candles around the number 5 are trick candles
and they re-lit quite a few times before she figured out something wasn't right.
Taylor's Birthday Loot:
(Thanks to anyone who contributed!!!)
What a cutie!


Mama Ferris said...

Love you Taylor, glad you were here to share your birthday with us.

Liz said...

Happy Birthday Taylor!!

Chase says, "Happy Birthday Macaroni-Melon head!!"

Can't wait to see you at Christmas!

Kristy said...

Belen Says Happy Birthday!! She wishes she could have been there to party hardy with you.