Monday, February 7, 2011

Kimberly's Blessing

We blessed Kimberly at our church this past Sunday. She is such a Gerber baby in her blessing dress. Grandma Jane bought the dress for Taylor and now Kadie and Kimberly have used it as well. There is a bonnet that goes with the dress but her head was a little large to wear it comfortably so we settled with a headband. We sat her in a recliner and her Aunt Torrey snapped a little photo shoot. I love her expressions. She brings one eyebrow down into a concentrating look that we affectionately call "the stink eye."
Almost a smile...
Lee's dad and youngest brother braved the snowy roads to show up for her blessing and to meet Kimberly in person for the first time.
Grandpa Crook holding Kimberly:


Ryan and Melissa said...

Those pictures are adorable!!! I'm sad I missed her blessing. :(

Lacy said...

What a pretty baby!! I really like the "almost a smile" picture of her. She's a beauty :)

Liz said...

I love her "stink eye!!" It's such a cute expression...

B said...

SHOOT!!! Early morning church officially sucks. I can't believe we missed that. But that third photo down is one of the cutest things in the entire world.

Kristy said...

I LOVE these pics!