Saturday, June 8, 2013

In the Summer Time When the Weather is Hot...

 Memorial day weekend my best friend (that we recently saw over spring break) surprised us by knocking on the door and staying to visit for a couple of hours.  It was fun to see her twins again and see how they've grown since we saw them last:
 Taylor and Kadie have their dance recital tonight.  They have to have their hair french braided to the side up and.  (Kadie's half way up since she has a hat with one costume and Taylor's in a bun since she is in ballet.)  I have never french braided before and it was an adventure.  This is how they looked after I 'practiced' doing their hair and make-up.  We have such beautiful girls! (Which translates to "oh boy are we in trouble come teenage years...")  I will have more pictures of them in costume later after they have their big night!
 Taylor, Lee, and Cocoa, went on their first camping trip of the season last weekend.  They hiked above the falls and had fun doing a camp cookout and hiking.  Taylor is getting bigger and Lee let her carry her own sleeping bag and a few smaller supplies.
 As promised, her are pictures of the swing set that Lee spent all Memorial Day weekend on.  This is where we will be spending time this summer!

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