Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kadie's 6th Birthday

 Kadie turned six on the 21st of June.  She sure is growing up fast.  She opened her present from us first thing in the morning.  We got her a DS.  Taylor got one at her last birthday and Kadie has wanted one ever since.  She asked for one for Christmas, but we held off until her birthday.
 What better way to start a birthday than to have donuts for breakfast?!?
 She had a party with friends later in the morning.  She asked for a pinata and we were lucky enough to find one with a pull-string trap door.  (The pinatas at other parties we have been to have been hard to break open so we looked for one that was a little different).
 Kadie got to pull the first string:
 Kimmy didn't trigger the door with her string:
 It worked out perfect.  Everybody got a turn and the last girl in line triggered the trap.  Here is the treat scramble:
 Watching your sister open presents is always hard.  I think I have at least one kiddo crying every time.  This year, it was Kimmy's turn to cry:
 "Thanks Aunty Liz...we've already watched it several times!"
 Favorite "Dress Pajamas" to wear from Grandma Jane and Grandma Andersen:
 Make a wish:
 Dance party while we waited for parents:
 The birthday girl with her birthday presents:

1 comment:

Liz said...

I really don't think she got enough presents for her birthday! We'll fix that next weekend when we come for a visit!!