Sunday, June 5, 2011

Liberty Park

After a crazy day of shopping, we spent the evening at Liberty Park. They had the water turned on and we had a blast playing in it. Taylor was super brave and ran right in!
Here's the soaking wet end result:
Kadie was a lot more cautious and didn't think getting wet was such a good idea...
I grabbed Kadie and ran her through the water a few times and she enjoyed it. You can see a video of it if you are my friend on facebook. I saw Lee coming out of the corner of my eye and thought he was going to run her through too. That was my mistake. He grabbed ME instead and despite a valiant effort to escape, he pulled me into the water and held me in until I was soaked too!
The girls also enjoyed playing in the sand at the park. We haven't done that in a while!
Kim finally woke up and got to join in on the fun. She got to chill in a baby swing and enjoyed the ride long enough for us to get some cute pics!
My handsome hubby at the park...or should I say the guilty party:

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