Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog going private...again.

Starting this upcoming Sunday, this blog will be private

Monday, November 28, 2011


We did Thanksgiving this year with my family.  I wasn't a big picture taker but I did snap one.  Lee wanted to be the one to make the turkey this year so I made sure to snap one of him and his golden turkey!  He did a good job and the food was all delicious.  Kim wasn't real impressed with anything on Thanksgiving, but she went to town the next day with leftovers.
I spent a lot of the break organizing things and trying to get ready for Christmas.  I worked on some presents and had a huge wrap fest.  We are not sure what to do with presents this year since Kim is so curious (as are the bigger girls).  Right now they are all sitting in a play pen so that they are left alone.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


My dad was recently home for about two weeks.  The kids love interacting with him, especially Kadie.  She is his little sidekick.  Here they are making oatmeal raisin cookies together.  (It's great to have Dad home because he does ALL the dishes!!!)
The next two pictures are for "Auntie Liz."  We got donuts on Saturday morning.  Not just any donuts.  Daylight Donuts.  Kim even got a taste.  The older girls said they were sad because they wanted Liz and Chase and Brayden to be there to have donuts too... 
Oh, No!  We didn't save any for you Auntie Liz:
Following the food theme of this blog, I had the girls help me with making some holiday goodies.  They were actually a pretty big help.  First we had to unwrap a lot of hugs:
 Then center the hugs on our pretzels:
 Bake our hug/pretzel combo until the chocolate was soft:
 And then push M&M's onto the centers. (I did that part alone.)   
Thank you to Aunt Dee for the idea. Here's the end result:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Sound of Music

 We put Lee's headphones on Kim and she must have really loved the music because she held perfectly still while they were on. (Excuse the runny nose.  We are on ear infection #6 and she even has tubes in her ears now!)
On a related note, today was the primary program at church.  Was my child the one who said her part and sang perfectly, the cute one that sang every word at the top of her lungs, or the child who sat so reverently? If you guessed any of those three, you'd be wrong. My child was the one who smacked her teacher (up on the stand in front of everyone) when she tried to comfort her when she was too embarrassed to say her part! We love Kadie's primary teacher and are thankful for what she puts up with!!!  Taylor did an excellent job on her part and Kadie got escorted out of the meeting.  She loves her primary teacher and was acting out because she was embarrassed and mad at herself for not doing her part.  Poor Kadie.

 In an unrelated note now, Kim is getting increasingly mobile.  She still does her silly little bum scoot and has earned a nickname of "Scooter" in my family.  She loves pulling up to things right now and is doing well since she can get herself down after she stands up.
 She's not always so coordinated.  I had to snap a picture of this before helping.  She tried to crawl through the legs of the end table and got stuck.  Her lower half is under the bar and she is trying to crawl over it with the top half.  Didn't work so well.
 She wasn't impressed with the fact that I grabbed the camera before rescuing her.  
Here is the ensuing pout face:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

No More Taxi Service!!!

 We bought a second car this weekend.  We decided that with the three kids and all the different directions we go, it was time.  We've had two cars at the same time in the past, but it has been a long time and we've been making due with the one.  It's always scary to make big purchases like that but we are pretty happy with the end result.We looked at a few, but we ended up with a 2010 Toyota Corolla (Handicapped Sticker blue wouldn't normally be our first color choice, but we still like it.) 
We are in love with Toyota's and we just wanted something to drive around town.  I am excited since it gives me more time in the mornings if I don't have to drop Lee at work. Lee works at one end of town, Taylor goes to school at the opposite end of town, and I work in the middle of the two of them so it was always crazy dropping people off and then reversing it to pick them back up.  

We now have Toyota parking in front of our house 
(The Prius belongs to my parents):

Funny side story of the week...What does this spell?
Can't come up with an answer?  Neither could I.  I was looking at a paper Taylor brought home from school and that's what was written under her favorite food.  I looked at it for a bit and then finally asked her what it was.  She said, you know, buskede.  After she said it out loud, I got it.  Oh, SPAGHETTI!  She was pronouncing it wrong and so she was spelling it out like she pronounced it.  Love how kids mispronounce things!