Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas with Cousins

 So the more kids there are, the harder it is to get a good picture of everyone together.  This continues to be true at our house.  You can't have a good group picture unless someone is crying...
 I absolutely LOVE this picture.  It sums it all up!  
(Kadie sulking and Taylor smiling innocently)
 Can you tell how much Kadie likes having her picture taken?  This is the girl who hid outside on picture day at preschool so she wouldn't have to have hers taken:
Besides sledding and Christmas overall, the kids had fun together.  Chase and Taylor are both six, Kadie and Brayden are both four, and Kim and Emma are both one.  
 The babies sure interacted a lot.  Kim watched Emma walk all over and is now standing as a result.  She is thinking about walking, but right now she is just working on standing by herself.


Cheryl Justice Armajo said...

Cousins are the best! I have very fond memories of playing with my cousins at my Granny's. Making memories....thats what it's all about!

Liz said...

I love the cousin pictures. The always remind me of our family pictures we had to endure back in the day!!