Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Special Visitors

Liz and her family (minus Chase), came down to visit for Emma's birthday.  Mom likes to get pictures of all the grandkids that are present.  With them all being seven or younger, it is a challenge to get a decent shot. 

I simply like this one because of the looks on Taylor and Kadie's faces:
Kim was not happy, but this was probably the best out of all the shots.
I got a special visitor this last week.  One of my childhood best friends (Melinda) stopped by for a brief visit as she and her family were passing through our town.  It was a special treat because while we try to visit, we live far away from each other.  Neither of us have had a chance to meet each others' baby, so it was fun to see them together. (The picture quality isn't the greatest because they had to be fast!)

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