Monday, December 20, 2010

One final view...

Here's a final look at my pregnant belly at 39 weeks. I wanted a picture of the girls trying to feel the baby one last time in the inside. The baby wasn't cooperating, but the pictures turned out cute! So excited to post pictures of all three girls together in a few days!
Love this! Kadie's hand is on the left; Taylor's hand is on the right.
They will be such good big sisters!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who will she look like?

By this time next week, we will be holding our new baby! I can't believe that in just 7 days we will get to meet our new little girl. I am so excited to see what she looks like! Even though they could pass as twins now, my first two girls came out looking so different from each other.

Taylor had had a lighter complexion and had almost strawberry blond hair that has darkened a little as she has gotten older:
Kadie had a slightly darker complexion and came out with TONS of dark hair (that has lightened a little as she has gotten older.
Wish us luck and tune in next week to see how our newest little girl looks!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Here a baby, there a baby...

Our baby girl is scheduled to arrive on December 21st but she is due December 27th. My sister Torrey is pregnant with a boy and due one month behind me on January 27th. My mom wanted a picture of the two of us together so here it is! It's amazing how different we are carrying the babies. I am 35 weeks and she is a month behind that:

Fun With Grandpa

Kadie and I usually just chill by ourselves when Taylor is at school, but my dad has been home the last week or so. Kadie enjoys every minute with her Grandpa and they keep each other busy. Here they are frosting a cake that he made the night before with Kadie and Taylor:
The final product that Kadie frosted by herself. It may not necessarily look it, but it was one of the most delicious cakes I've had in a long time!
Then of course after you do the cooking, you have to do the cleaning. Grandpa is training her on how to wash the dishes and it is one of her favorite chores to do with him:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One Cool Kid

Kadie and I were watching TV and there was a blue train on one of her cartoons. She kept telling me it was purple, so I told her she needed glasses. She ran to her room and came back like this:
And who can resist having a little fun while disguised by shades:


Grandpa Ferris spent the afternoon making sugar cookies with Taylor after she got home from school. After dinner, Taylor and Kadie picked their favorite colors to color the frosting with and we decorated the cookies. The sugar cookies are my great-grandma's recipe-on my mom's side, and are super yummy. Here they are with their completed masterpieces:

Can't wait to eat one!
The frosting process:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not a hand-me-down!

Being the younger sister, most of Kadie's clothes are hand-me-downs from Taylor. While shopping the other day, I found the cutest shirt and found some pants to match and decided to buy them. I tried to get Kadie to pose for a picture and this is the first face I got:
Then her pose of "Yeah, I'm cool..."
And finally a cute, regular pose:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lee is 30!

Lee turned 30 on Sunday. He really likes chocolate cake but I discovered we didn't have any mixes so I decided to make one from scratch. Cakes never really turn out that well for me, (they either make a funny mound or sink in the middle) but this one turned out surprisingly nice and was also super yummy!
Something fun we have been doing is letting the girls pick out the presents to give at the dollar store. They pick out some random things sometimes but we try to let them pick anything they want to give as a gift. (Taylor got Lee a pack of zip ties last Christmas even though she had no idea what they were...). I think they did pretty good this year for his birthday, even if they DID pick out things they would like. Kadie gave Lee those little pill things that you put in water and the case dissolves to reveal a small foam animal. These were dinosaurs. I think they had more fun than he did, but it was a nice present for them to all do together!
Taylor had a hard time choosing a gift for her daddy, but she finally decided on twisty straws. They made a nice addition to the root beer floats we had with dinner. Here's Lee with the green one:
I can't believe that Lee is 30. (Especially since it means I am only a few years behind him!) I love him more every year and I look forward to spending many more birthdays together.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween and a Haircut

Here's a picture of Kadie's new haircut. Her hair was getting kind of shaggy and I wanted to get it cut a few months ago. She was excited to get it cut, but the first salon we went to had intelligence issues when it comes to actually serving customers and we weren't able to get it cut. After that I took her somewhere else and got her seated in the chair, but she started to cry and I couldn't get her to stop so we just went home. We were finally able to accomplish the deed by taking her to the house of a friend and getting it cut in her home. She initially cried quite a bit, but I was willing to stick it out in a home rather than a business. (I also threatened that we would shave her head to look like daddy's if she wouldn't let the lady cut it. Nice mom, huh?) After the woman started cutting her hair, she did fine and now her hair is a little easier to do since it isn't as long.
This year for Halloween the girls wanted to be fairies.
Here's are close-ups of fairy #1:
...and fairy #2:
The fairies together:
We had to improvise a little since both sets of wings were originally for Kadie's costume. Taylor decided at the last minute that she didn't want to wear a princess dress and wanted to be a fairy as well, so we shared the wings and found another skirt. Here's Kadie getting ready to trick-or-treat at a library event.
We took both the girls to a Halloween party at our church where they had dinner, games, and trick-or-treating. After trick-or-treating, they turned on music and let everyone dance in the middle. The girls had a blast dancing and jumping around and it was adorable! They both certainly have some moves!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 25, 2010

We're so glad when Daddy comes home...

Lee isn't often home to put girls to bed so they snagged a rare moment and had him read some of their bedtime stories. Our current favorite is the Mama Llama series.
And not to be left out, Cocoa is always super excited to see
Lee whenever he is home. Lee is the one who plays with Cocoa
the most and the dog loves every minute of it!

Montana Trip

Back at the beginning of the month (I'm way behind in blogging), my mom and I took a trip to Montana to where she grew up so we could visit family that still lives there. I had not been there since right after I graduated high school, so it was REALLY nice to visit family. We visited a lot in my youth, but I hadn't had a chance to visit since starting college and then later a family. The car ride was long for my poor pregnant body, but it was totally worth it and I had fun introducing my girls to relatives they had never met before!

My mom and her Uncle, Hubert:
It was a really sunny day so we are all squinting but here is 4 generations:
The girls had fun playing with my great-uncle's dog and in his huge backyard:
This is the face I get for asking Kadie to smile:
The huge backyard that I am SO jealous of:
After visiting with Uncle Hubert, we stopped by my
Aunt Lynda's house. Here's a shot of the sisters:
My Uncle Lee, Aunt Lynda,
cousin William and his two children
and my cousin Christopher:
We also got to visit with one of my mom's brothers, Uncle Rodney. Here he is with my cousin Carrie and her family that were able to drive up for the day to visit as well:
Taylor went off to pout about something and my Uncle decided to join her. He's really good with the kids and she wasn't able to stay grumpy for long:
Cute shot of my Uncle with Kadie...
it's almost time to go home and it's totally nap time:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Target Practice

A couple of weeks ago we went to visit Lee's family.
He and his dad went out to shoot some of his guns and we all tagged along.
Lee wanted the girls to try shooting guns for the first time.
Taylor really liked it and was a little trigger happy.
Kadie was a little more nervous and spent her rounds
staring at her gun rather than the target.
Whoever wasn't shooting with Lee had to sit in the van with me. Lee also took a few turns alone with the louder rifles and the hand guns. It was fun to watch!