Sunday, April 17, 2011

So tired...

Yesterday we had a long, but fun day. We started the morning by going to a Cat in the Hat event where they served breakfast and got free books. It was fun, but the girls were a little scared of the characters in costume. A neighbor friend came and played with the girls while they were with Grandma, and then later that night, they got to stay up late and go the movie Rio with Grandma. They must have had a lot of fun, because they are sleepy today.

Taylor got sent to time out for pinching her sister while getting ready to play outside. I came around the corner to get her out of time out in her room and this is what I found...

Her head would occasionally bob too....
Such a tired girl. She lives life to the fullest, but it does catch up with her sometimes!


Camie Rae said...

Hey! You were there?! WE were there too!! Freaky speckled Cat in the Hat scared my kids too. Also I saw your mom and girls going to Rio last night. We went to the 5 o'clock show. How funny!!

Lee Crook said...

Good Grief! you see those long legs! Talk about growing like a weed!

Liz said...

That's too funny!! I still remember the funny picture of her in her Sunday dress, holding a balloon, with her hands over her ears!! MEMORIES!!