Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

 How lucky are we?  Grandma Jane came to visit the few days before Easter.  We haven't been up to see her lately so it was a pleasant treat to have her come visit us.  The older girls soaked up all her attention and loved having her read book after book to them.  We also got to take her out to eat and go on a few walks!
 Happy Easter!
 Dying eggs is a science...
 The get to pick three colors each.  Kadie liked purple the best.
 Our Easter eggs ready to go! (The bunny was a present from Grandma Jane and it sings with it's ears flopping up and down.)
 Easter Loot:
 Taylor's New Bike:
 Kadie's New Bike:
 Kim tries her first peep.
 (What is Easter without peeps?!?)

1 comment:

Liz said...

I tested the Peeps again this year and found out that I still don't like them...

You have the cutest little bunnies and have fun with the new bikes!!