Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Grandma's Little Helper

 Family tradition dictates that my mother makes popcorn balls to send in all the Christmas boxes to extended family.  They are a favorite!  This year, she had a little helper. 
 I think Kim was in charge of quality control.  She had to taste some to make sure it was good enough for everyone else to eat!
 Mom said I had to post this picture to show that Kim has a mathematical mind.  She likes to line things up just like her Grandma.  (Yes, my mother is the type of person who will sort her M&Ms by color and number before eating them.  Must be a math thing...)
In a blast from the past, my sister and I used to climb the door frames when we were kids.  Ringing in a new generation of wall climbing, this is now Taylor's favorite past time.  She's going to have some beefed out legs if she keeps it up!
 And in closing, just a cute candid shot of all three girls together.  We were having a minute of down time and they were all sitting together watching a cartoon and eating goldfish.

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