Thursday, March 18, 2010

I AM [here]

For anyone who missed the opening night of Lee's Thesis Show, I tried to take pictures of everything so you could still see all his art. I am so proud of Lee and how far he has come. The show turned out amazing and I'm not sure the camera did his pieces justice.

The gallery all Lee's artwork was displayed in:
Lee's Title and abbreviated Thesis Statement:
(I think you can read it if you click on the image to get a larger size)
Inception of Self:
Flight of the Elk:
Find the Dirt:
Axis Mundi:
Starting on the left-
Naive, Robust, Faint, & Decrepit:
Redemption in Layers:
The Weary Steward:
Four and One:
To Whom Do I Look For Rain:
Load and Stress:
Conflict in the Order of Years:
Famous Words:
External Failure:
Projection of Self:

These were all Mixed Media pieces. Congratulations to Lee for being done with such an important step in getting his Master's Degree! He has grown a lot in the past few years of schooling and I am excited to see where his art will take him in the future!


Liz said...

Wow!! I love all of those pieces! I'm glad you took a ton of pictures because I wasn't able to go and now I feel like I was there!

GO LEE!!! You rock!

The Bartschi's said...

I loved seeing his art!

Mama Ferris said...

The pictures are great. I like how the piece with the frames and now light bulbs turned out.

Shan said...

That's great Lee. Keep it up.

Kristy said...

Wow - very impressive work Lee. I loved the "Weary Steward", "Load and Stress", and my favorite was "To Whom do I look for Rain."

You are an incredible artist! I wish so much I could have been there to celebrate with you and learn from you.

Thanks for posting Emily!