Saturday, January 29, 2011

One Month Old!

Kimberly had her one month doctor check-up this week and is doing well. At 5 weeks, she weighed in at 9lbs. 1oz. and is 19 1/2 in. long. So glad that she is healthy and thriving! She has been such a joy in our lives already. She is smiling and we all work so hard to try to coax one out of her. She also has the most adorable pout where she sticks out her bottom lip right before she starts to cry.
Caught a yawn on camera:
Torrey brought Carson over so we thought we'd get a little comparison. Kimberly is 5 weeks old and Carson is 1 week old. I thought she was pretty little but she doesn't look as little next to Carson!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In Front of the Class

Some of the favorite toys in our hall closet consist of a box of dominoes and an old tin of counting bears. The girls spend lots of time building, grouping, and arranging these items. Yesterday, Kadie was arranging a group of bears and dominoes together. She was originally building houses, but then created this grouping:
She had each bear on a square and a dinosaur in the front. When I asked her what they were doing, she replied that they were at school and the dinosaur was the teacher! Too cute!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Announcement Photo Shoot

I spent over an hour working a taking a photo for Kimberly's birth announcement. She was pretty cooperative, but I changed my mind a lot on positioning and outfits, and we had to stop in the middle so I could feed her, change her, and get her to sleep! Lee's grandmother sent Kimberly a hat and jacket combo and I thought the hat would make an awesome photo prop. Love this little girl and am excited to make the announcement.

Do you like the color, sepia, or black and white one best?
Bonus adorable photo of her little feet!

Monday, January 10, 2011

You know you're sleep deprived when...

So I have a funny story to tell. I am currently using the Playtex bottles with the drop-in liners (pictured below) because it is nice to not have to scrub out the bottom of the bottle and because I think it is more sanitary during cold and flu season. I was making Kimberly a bottle in the middle of the night. I wasn't paying attention and didn't realize that I had not put a liner in the bottle I was making. I scooped in formula, and poured in the water. The water poured out the slits on the side of the bottle and I'm standing there going "what the heck?" and thinking the liner had a hole. Then it hit me that there was NO liner there. I picked up the bottle and there was a nice wet clump of formula stuck to the counter and water everywhere. Whoops!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Three little girls...

We're going to have our hands full with these adorable
three little girls:
Here's my handsome husband holding and playing with Kimberly. I love the way he plays with and interacts with our newborns!
Taylor holding Kimberly for the first time:
Kadie holding Kimberly for the first time:
They got to come visit her at the hospital on the day she was born for a few minutes, but didn't get a chance to hold her in the craziness and newness of the visit. It took them a little while at home to want to hold Kimberly and she had to not be crying :).

Happy New Year!

Happy 2011!!! Thanks to Kimberly, Lee and I were both up at midnight to reign in the new year. We bought this little shirt before we knew we were having a girl, but knew the due date was around the new year. Glad we get to start the new year year with such a cute new addition to our family!

Kimberly Jane Crook

Kimberly Jane Crook joined our family via a scheduled c-section on December 21st at 8:10 a.m. She was 19 inches long and weighed 7lbs, 30z. She came out screaming and healthy! The c-section wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I spent a lot of time being psyched out and worrying about it being bad, but it was actually easier (physically) than it was to have Kadie. Mentally, it was another story. I think it is really hard to go into a major surgery knowing it is going to happen. From the time I talked to the anesthesiologist until I heard her cry, it was hard to go through. There were a few minutes were I was thinking "I don't want to do this!" and thinking being knocked out wouldn't be too bad... However, hearing Kimberly cry for the first time made every second worth it!
I had to go to recovery for a while and didn't get to hold her right away. They actually brought her to me wrapped in a Christmas sock with a red and green hat when I finally got to hold her. Too cute! Here she is swaddled in her hospital bassinet:
I love the little knit hats they give you! We both did really well and went home on the 23rd. I'm glad we got everything done early for Christmas this year. Here she is in her going home outfit:
First car-seat ride: